Larry Monroe is a General Manager in environmental affairs with Georgia Power Company in Atlanta.  In that role, he manages the company’s air compliance and permitting program and the Georgia Power environmental services laboratory.

Prior to joining Georgia Power in early 2011, Larry worked for Southern Company’s – the parent company of Georgia Power – corporate research and environmental affairs department in Birmingham, where he led teams to perform research on technology to reduce emissions from Southern’s generating fleet.  Larry also worked on national regulatory and legislative issues related to environmental issues, including testifying before the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.  Before joining Southern Company, he was a research manager with Southern Research Institute in Birmingham, Alabama.

Larry holds a B.S. in chemical engineering from Auburn University and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from MIT.  He has over 20 years of experience in the chemistry and chemical processes of coal combustion and emissions control at the bench scale, pilot scale, and full scale power plants.  Larry has held leadership positions with utility industry groups, notably the Electric Power Research Institute and the Coal Utilization Research Council.


Maggie McDaniel


David Morris